Double knitted brioche 🇬🇧

Clarion hotell Stavanger

Kursrom: Aroma

Kursholder: Nathan Taylor

Pris: 550 kr

NivÄ: Avansert

Maks antall deltagere 14 – Dersom kurset blir fullbooket et det mulig Ă„ sette seg pĂ„ venteliste.

UndervisningssprÄk: Engelsk

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Har du alltid hatt lyst til Ă„ prĂžve deg pĂ„ det som uten tvil er dette Ă„rhundrets mest populĂŠre mĂžnster, men blitt skremt av hvor komplisert det virker Ă„ vĂŠre? Elsker du tanken pĂ„ brioche, men hater tanken pĂ„ Ă„ mĂ„tte jobbe hver rad to ganger? Bli med meg pĂ„ en reise, og se pĂ„ tofarget brioche fra synspunktet til min dobbeltstrikkbakgrunn, og sammen kan vi avlive myten om at det mĂ„ gjĂžres i to passeringer. Det er absolutt ikke nĂždvendig! NĂ„r du har forstĂ„tt det enkle konseptet, vil jeg lĂ„se opp en hel verden av DKB (det jeg liker Ă„ kalle «Double-Knitted Brioche»)-vidundrene, inkludert noen av de vanligste typene av Ăžkninger og feller, og, hvis tiden og hjerneplassen tillater det, kan vi til og med se pĂ„ hvordan de kan oppnĂ„s slik at de er helt reversible, og ser like ut pĂ„ begge sider av arbeidet ditt. Vi vil til og med se pĂ„ hvordan du kan ta et diagrambasert mĂžnster som er skrevet for to passeringer, og lĂŠre hvordan du tolker diagrammene slik at mĂžnsteret kan strikkes ved hjelp av DKB ogsĂ„. Alle de eksisterende NYDELIGE briochemĂžnstrene der ute, og gjort med halvparten av arbeidet? Det er VIRKELIG verdt Ă„ lĂŠre seg en ny ferdighet for det!

Forkunnskap: Beherske dobbeltstrikking- ikke sÄ viktig med patentstrikk ferdighetene, men en fordel Ä kunne.

Ta med: To garnnĂžster i kontrastfarger, ikke for lĂžst spunnet.

Forarbeid: (Ikke dukk opp uten 😉 ( ). Legg opp pĂ„ 4 mm pinner med tofarget dobbeltstrikk, 14 maskepar.



Always fancied having a go at what is arguably this century’s most popular stitch, but daunted by how complicated it seems to be? Love the idea of brioche, but hate the thought of having to work each row twice?
Take a trip with me, looking at two-colour brioche from the point of view of my double-knitting background, and together we can unpick the myth that it needs to be done in two passes. It very definitely does not!
Once you get past that simple concept, I’ll unlock a whole world of the wonders of DKB (that’s what I like to call “Double-Knitted Brioche”), including some of the most common types of increases and decreases, and, time and brain space permitting, we might even look at how they can be achieved so that they are completely reversible, looking the same on both sides of your work.)
We’ll even look at how you can take a charted pattern that is written for two-passes, and learn how to interpret the charts so that the pattern can be worked using DKB as well. All those existing BEAUTIFUL brioche patterns out there, and done with half the work? That’s GOT to be worth learning a new skill for!
Advanced. This class is ONLY suitable for people who already know how to do double-knitting. Whether you have done any brioche before is irrelevant.
COMPULSORY: You will need to be competent in standard, two-colour double-knitting, creating a fabric that
shows as stocking stitch on both sides. You will need to know how to cast on in two colours, alternating knit and purl stitches, to set up for DK, and you will preferably need to know how to perform the Slip-Stitch Edge technique for creating neat and tidy edges that lock the two faces of your fabric together, although any edge technique for DK would suffice. (Yes, that’s right: all those terms are indeed referencing DK and not brioche.
You will need about 30g of each of two colours of highly contrasting yarn. For best results choose yarns that are smooth, with a high twist, and not too grippy, or bloomy.
COMPULSPORY (meaning, do not attend the class without!):
Using DK-weight yarn, and 4mm needles, cast on 14 PAIRS of stitches (28 sts in total), using the Two Colour, Alternating, Long-Tail Cast On ( ). DO NOT work any rows of stitches into your cast on, leave it on the needles as it is.